Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween and My Mom

This is a late post about Halloween. Actually, it's not so much about Halloween, it's more about my mom. Recently (November 10th to be exact), my mother turned 89 years old. Eighty-nine! That's one less than the big 9-0.There's no denying it, she's old.The amazing thing about my mom is that she's still sharp. She stills tells interesting, detailed stories about her childhood and is always quick to crack a joke. She's a funny lady. I remember when I was in grade 2 or 3 and went to a birthday party at my friends house. My mother wrapped a banana and told me that I was giving it to my friend as a birthday gift. I was really upset. I thought that it was a terrible idea. How wrong I was. When my friend opened it later at the party, everyone burst out laughing and my friend was smiling from ear to ear he was so happy. It was definitely the most memorable gift of the party. I learned a lesson that day that I would remember forever. My mom knew comedy, and I had a lot to learn from her.
Banana picture from:

Anyway, back to Halloween. As I said, my mom is old. She can't move around, so every Halloween my wife and I go to her house and help her give out candy to the trick or treaters (kids who come the door and ask for candy). If the kids are really cute, we help my mom to the door so she can take a look - sometimes she scares the kids because she's so old. My wife also carves a Jack O' Lantern (Halloween pumpkin) for her. Here's a picture of my wife's spider pumpkin from this year and some kids who came by my mom's house.


  1. very impressive, respect your mom, respect all mother

  2. Best wishes for you and your family.!!

  3. I laughed when I read your mom scares kids just beacause she's old, ah I see afterall you learned comedy from her.

  4. Is that because your mom is so humorous, so our dear teacher is also very humorous? ^^
    By the way, do we have to post the pic address where we get them?? I'm confused..*_*

  5. i am curious who made that pumpkin?

